The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 132: Week 6 (Rani Route) Information Matrix - Lancer

Week 6 (Rani Route) Information Matrix - Lancer (True Name Revealed)

Gae Bolg: Spear of Barbaric Impalement posted:

A crimson spear that always finds its mark. The truth of this weapon is far more sinister than legend says. In a strange reversal of causality, the target and ultimate effect of this weapon have already been ordained. The only variable presence in a successful attack is whether it is used or not. Once used, it is not a question of if it will hit, but how long it will take for its target to die. Agility will not help one avoid Gae Blog should it be used, but instead it all depends on one's Luck.
Gae Bolg is the most efficient and deadly of all the Noble Phantasms, as it has a very low magic cost and almost always results in a one-hit kill.

Wielder of Runes posted:

A form of thaumaturgy unique to Northern Europe. The foundation of this craft is the engraving of words of power into stone to induce various mystical events. It is believed that this ability has been lost to time.

Child of Light posted:

A hero believed to be the offspring of a god and a human. Demigods are fairly common amongst the Heroic Spirits drawn from human mythology, although few of them are considered more than second-tier heroes by their adherents. This one, however, is believed to have inherited the blood of the Absolute One, the main god of his nation's pantheon of immortal beings.

Anti-Magic (C) posted:

Nullifies minor spells consisting of chants of two verses or less. Ineffective against high-level thaumaturgy and the greater rituals

Marshal (A->C) posted:

Increases vitality when in deadly peril. Makes it possible to fight even with fatal injuries and remain alive as long as a final decisive blow isn't struck. The ability rank of this skill has been temporarily reduced as his Master chose to boost his overall endurance at the expense of this ability.

Divinity (B) posted:

This is a measure of one's Divine Spirit aptitude. At high levels, this ability allows one to break through and defend against otherwise invincible skills, such as Sri Maha Bodhiya.

Character Background posted:

One of the great heroes of Ireland.

First appears as a demigod in Ulster mythology and is said to be the son of Lugh, the God of Light, and Deichtine, the younger sister of Conchobar, King of Ulster. His birth name was Setanta and from an early age it was foretold that he would become a hero of renown.

He was christened Cu Chulainn (which mean Culann's Hound) after accidentally killing the watchdog of a wealthy merchant. He took the name with pride, vowing, "I will devote myself to the rearing of a watchdog worthy of replacing the one I have just slain and until such time as that dog is ready, I will personally watch over and guard your life with my own."

Upon becoming an adult, Cu Chulainn was enrolled into the order known as the Knights of the Red Branch and then sent to the warrior-woman Scathach in the Land of Shadows to train as a warrior, and, according to darker rumors, meet his death. Fortunately, Scathach saw in him a worthy student and disciple and passed on all that she knew of both the martial arts and the more powerful aspects of thaumaturgy. Upon the completion of his training, Cu Chulainn was given the mighty demonic spear Gae Bolg and told to depart from the Land of Shadows.

After returning to be beloved homeland, his triumphs were many...but that is a story for another time.

Knight of the Red Bough posted:

All of the stories that surround the legend of Cu Chulainn are universal in their praise for his loyalty, heroism, and compassion. And although he was famous for his terrifying "battle spasms" while on the battle field, his seemingly blind rage never overcame his steadfast adherence to his moral code.

Unfortunately, it was this unwavering adherence to honor that in the end lead to Cu Chulainn's demise. As a Celtic warrior, he was bound by a number of geasa (taboos), the violation of which would greatly weaken him. As a youth, he single-handedly defended Ulster from the armies of Queen Medb of Connacht. To add to the insult of a single man annihilating her army, Cu Chulainn came across her on the field of battle, but chose to spare her life as he thought it dishonorable to kill a woman. From that moment on, the desire to see him die became an all-consuming passion for the disgraced queen.

Medb eventually came up with a scheme to weaken Cu Chulainn by using his own code of honor against him. By forcing him to violate several of the geasa that bound him, Cu Chulainn was stripped of the divine protections and gifts that were his birthright. However, he still managed to die with honor, tying himself to a stone pillar even as his life faded, as he vowed to never fall in battle.

Combat lines:

Battle start

Alright... Let's get this started!


Command selection

I can easily take on ten guys at this rate!

Idiot, I said six is enough! If you're taking it easy, I'm charging you! (High health)


Alright, let's have some fun! (High health)


Let's keep pushing our way through. (High health)


This one's dangerous... Restore my magic, Master!

I don't need you to tell me that! Okay, let's turn this around Lancer! (Low health)


This is like the raging waves of Lochlann. (Low health)


...the fight is just beginning. (Low health)


Alright, time to charge head first!

Ok! Don't show them any mercy! (NP ready)


You bastard... Don't underestimate me!

Calm down, Lancer. They were just lucky. (NP survived)


Normal attacks

Prepare yourself! (Attack)


Too slow! (Counter)


Loosen up! (Break)


As predicted...! (Extra turn)


Just give up! (Consecutive Extra turn)


This is the end! (Extra attack)



Not bad! (Hit)


Shit! You're not bad!

Argh, you! Not bad! (Enemy Extra turn)


Get back up, Master!

Ahh, they're getting ahead...! (Consecutive enemy Extra turn)


Argh, I messed up... (Defeated)



Swing! Hammering Assault! (Hammering Assault)


Be crushed! Median Lance! (Median Lance)


Red thorns like those of a wild rose. (Red Bough Wheel)


Shoal of Extremities, form for me! (Ath nGabla)


I won't die to something like this! (Auto-revive)


Your heart is mine! (Gae Bolg)


Lancer, after them!

Leave it to me! (call_gandor(64))


Sparing no expense! Rapid shooting! (call_fortune(128))